Oct 31 - Nov 12, 2011 | Tamil Nadu, India
Redefining rural capital
The YLP is an executive development programme that promotes the acquisition of a global mindset and the skills necessary to succeed in today’s complex and rapidly changing business environment.
It incorporates action learning and the experience of working on a real-world field project within a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary team setting.
It uses executive expertise to devise financially sustainable business plans and investment opportunities that positively impact critical socioeconomic development challenges. The YLP equips emerging leaders with the insights and skills to capture tomorrow’s markets and customers alongside a first hand understanding of what it really takes for a company to achieve leadership in sustainability.
During what will be the 22nd YLP, participants will travel to southern India where they will leverage their management experience and business acumen to develop a new investment model pioneered by Just Change India. The innovative model seeks to employ "participative capital" as opposed to ownership rights, offering investors participative rights in the value chain while ensuring that ownership remains with the producers. The group will work with Just Change to determine how this model can be applied to the production of tea, spices, rice and soap in the Gudalur Valley of Tamil Nadu.
Register today for the next YLP in October!
Please click here for more information.
Jul 16 - 23, 2011 | Beijing, China
Wellbeing of migrant community
In July GIFT will conduct the Global Leaders Module (GLM) in Beijing focused on the wellbeing of the migrant community. The GLM is a component of Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy’s Senior Management Programme in conjunction with Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs.