Read a round-up of the Phnom Penh YLP, Global Young Leaders In Cambodia: Sowing Seeds and Exporting Hope.
Download a photo story of the Phnom Penh programme (PDF).
Watch a video on the Phnom Penh project
Watch a video on the project:
Participants in the Cambodia YLP project worked with local organisation, CEDAC, to develop a business plan for their Natural-Agri-Product (NAP) venture. This initiative aims to establish an agro supply chain which produces and markets organic products such as rice, chickens, and vegetables to consumers in Cambodia and the Mekong Delta region. In the process Young Leaders explored how smallholder Cambodian farmers can improve their outlook through networks of local entrepreneurs and contribute to CEDAC’s adoption of a social enterprise operational model. After much deliberation participants decided to focus their business recommendations on rice farming. For more details, read the round-up and photo story.